Washington summer 2009 part 1(16)


The White House
The White House

The White House (taken with 5 x zoom)

The Washington Monument should be 169 m (555 ft) but look I can easily reach it.

Petrified Wood about 200 millions years oldGr

Many old official buildings in Washington are built in greek/roman style

A statue close to the White House, I think it was a World War I memorialMus


Lincoln Memorial

A squirrel

Lincoln Memorial

View from the Lincoln Memorial towards the Washington Monument and the reflecting pool

View from the Lincoln Memorial towards the Washington Monument and the Capitol.


Lincoln Memorial


Lincoln Memorial


View from the Lincoln Memorial towards the Washington Monument and the reflecting pool

Statues on Arlington Memorial Bridge

Korean War Veterans Memorial


Korean War Veterans Memorial


Korean War Veterans Memorial



National World War II Memorial

National World War II Memorial


National World War II Memorial

National World War II Memorial

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